# (decoded with TMPL 128) Number of file creators:: (8 entries) 0: Creator Name:: 'BBEdit' Creator Type:: 'R*ch' (0x522A6368) 1: Creator Name:: 'Claris Works' Creator Type:: 'BOBO' (0x424F424F) 2: Creator Name:: 'MacWrite Pro' Creator Type:: 'MWPR' (0x4D575052) 3: Creator Name:: 'Microsoft Word' Creator Type:: 'MSWD' (0x4D535744) 4: Creator Name:: 'Personal Log' Creator Type:: 'MFK4' (0x4D464B34) 5: Creator Name:: 'Simple Text' Creator Type:: 'ttxt' (0x74747874) 6: Creator Name:: 'Text-Edit Plus' Creator Type:: 'TBB6' (0x54424236) 7: Creator Name:: 'Word Perfect' Creator Type:: 'WPC2' (0x57504332)